Sunday, August 2, 2015

BOOK REVIEW: "Troll Swap" by Leigh Hodgkinson

This is the first book I've ever read by Leigh Hodgkinson, the author/illustrator.  A google search revealed she has written and/or illustrated several other beautiful picture books.

What do you do if you are not what others expect you to be?  Do you continue being who you are, or do you change yourself to please the others?

Timothy Limpet is a troll unlike other trolls.  He likes being clean, lives in a dry, well-lit cave.

Tabitha Lumpit is a little girl unlike other little girls and boys.  She likes being messy, loud and having lots of fun.  "Tabitha Lumpit would rather pick her nose than a flower any day of the week."

For both, Timothy and Tabitha, it is not easy trying to be the opposite of what they already are!  But what can they do?

When their paths collide one day, they find the answer to that question!  Can you guess what it is?
Well, what's the title of the book?
Yes, they SWAP places!

Timothy is happy that he is with Tabitha's parents who appreciate his tidy habits.  Tabitha is happy she can be as loud and messy as she wants with Timothy's family!  Timothy's and Tabitha's families are, of course, delighted that the little ones at home are exactly what they're expected to be!

So does everyone live happily ever after?  Does Tabitha live happily for ever in Timothy's house and does Timothy live happily for ever in Tabitha's house?  You'll have to read the book to find out!
(I'll give you a clue: it's nice to stand out in a crowd!)

The two characters are relatable to children with their tidy/messy habits, quiet/loud nature and polite/impolite ways.  I love the adorable illustrations in this book.

An amusing, entertaining story for children 4+, and yet has a message.

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