Thursday, June 2, 2016

"ORANGE PEEL'S POCKET" by Rose Lewis and Grace Zong

A diverse picture book story

Chan Ming, or 'Orange Peel' as she is known for her love of orange peels, is a Chinese-born girl living in America.  A school lesson prompts her to find out more about her country of birth.  She sets out to run errands with her mother when she meets several Chinese people.  Each person tells her something about China and slips in something into her pocket without her knowledge.

I shared this beautifully illustrated picture book with children who were delighted by its story and illustrations.  Immense excitement was generated as we wondered about the suspenseful things in Orange Peel's pocket!

We also asked ourselves what is special about us and the place we came from.  The question prompted a wide array of answers from the children, including some interesting ones.

Highly recommended.  Appropriate for children 4-8.